Saturday, June 9, 2012

I love it here

So as everyone knows, I'm currently studying Diploma in Public Administration at UiTM Samarahan, Sarawak. Yes, a bit far, I know - but I LOVE IT!

So the orientation week went very well. Our seniors were very devoted and kind, I honestly didn't expect such deeds could come from someone older than me. I have always thought that seniors are evil but luckily mine aren't and I'm proud to say that I love them. (Especially the handsome ones)

The last day of the orientation week (MDS). Abang yang lead team aku comel kan. Tapi team ni dah kena jinxed. Sebab dia number 13 lols. Selalu kalah. Tapi team mates semua best.

Dengan room mates yang comey lotey. Btw kitorang memang suka gila pakai tudung tu ._.

My first outing/trip sepanjang berada kat UiTM ni. Ni dekat Damai Golf Club, tak silap, ala yang depan Kampung Budaya tuu. If you have been to the Sarawak Cultural Village, you will know which golf club I'm talking about.

Selera aku, walaubagaimna pun, masih belum berubah even dah masuk asrama XD Ni aku makan kat SCV. Boleh tahan sedap. Aku asal nasi je mm semua sedap xd

Depan Muzium Etnologi :)

So far I'm having a good time here. I met new friends, experienced new stuff etc. Malas aku nak cerita panjang2, post ni didedikasikan untuk foto2, sekian :)

Tapi memang senang gila nak beza aku dgn budak2 lain. Aku hitam sikit sbb org Sarawak & Sabah semua putih2 lols


  1. kamek nangga kitak nmpk happy!

    1. Lol aok lah kamek happy di sitok :) makseh makcik anon

  2. selamat bergembira dengan kehidupan universiti :P
